OpenPlant Modeler Help

Tap Ports

The Create Tap option in the olet section allows you create a tap port on a section of pipe to serve as a placeholder for an olet. Click the pipe length to tap then select a placement location and rotation direction for the tap port. Once complete, the tap port appears as shown below on the pipe sample:

The Create Advance Tap option in the olet section allows you create a tap port on a sides of elbows, bend, mitered bend, valves anywhere on selected component which serve as a placeholder for an olet. Click any of the component select a placement location and rotation direction for the tap port. Once complete, the tap port appears as shown below on the elbow sample:
Note: Reference point coordinates are set in Properties dialog for Advance tap.

To place an olet at the tap port, select the desired olet, snap to the tap port location and left-click to place the olet.

Tap ports have defined properties like standard piping components and therefore, can be modified and moved using the standard manipulation commands.

Note: Initial Tap Port size and spec properties are defined in the Standard Preferences dialog.

To place an olet at an existing tap port location:

  1. Select the olet
  2. Define the component settings in the Place Component Dialog
  3. Snap to the tap port location
  4. Left-click to place the olet.
    Note: The olet direction was pre-determined when the tap port was placed.